Elearning Resources & News

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Edge Power
Quote: "The Internet lowers the cost of the tools of communication and creativity, making them affordable to individuals and small businesses. This phenomenon might be called Edge Power, because it increases power around the "edges" of the network, in contrast with broadcast media, where power is centralized."
Comment: Another article extolling the value of the Internet as a user-focused medium...where power and control no longer rest in the hands of the few, but rather the many (at least in theory). Great quote: "Many studies show that innovation tends to originate on the edge, rather than in large incumbent companies. Amar Bhide points out that large incumbents have low tolerance for ambiguity. Joel Barker gives many examples of innovations that were rejected by incumbent industries, including digital watches rejected by Swiss watchmakers and photo-copying rejected by large photography firms."
